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[linux-dvb] Re: DVB-C

Am Freitag, 11. Januar 2002 17:00 schrieben Sie:
> Hi,
> I assume you are talking about the TT-DVB-C revision 2.1.

Yes I did.

> Unfortunately I must report that Finnish people are still having some
> trouble with this. I don't know if it has something to do with non-standard
> channel frequencies or other unusual parameters.
> Could you describe your parameters (frequency, symbol rate and QAM) just so
> we can compare?
> I've been trying with 154/283/290/297 MHz, 5900 ksym/s and 128 QAM which
> work under Windows but haven't had success under Linux.

I've used the dvbrc.cable. Another possibility would be to use windows 
software distributed by technotrend to find out what is where and with what 
kind of parameter.

Finally I found some information in the sheet I gont from my cable provider 
stating the frequency bands where I can find the channels.

ok, hope that helps a bit, at the end the cable provider should have, of 
course all the information.


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