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[linux-dvb] strange downloading

I`m using slackware 8.0
kernel 2.2.20 (with i2c and v4l in modules)
siemens dvb drivers 0.8.2 
dvbd3 (changed in dvbd.h "filter0_ifname_or_ip[19] = "ppp0"" ,filter_0 512 ppp0, filter_1 785 mydvbmac 31, filter_2 786 mydvbmac 31)
sky star 1

I`m using it with EOL`s 115

everything is working fine 
ismod goes without any errors
ping -c10
ifconfig (dvb0:
on tcpdump -i dvb0 I see some traffic

when I`m surfing on www it`s working good (for EOL :)
if I try to download something it starts good (20kb)
but after few seconds it hangs
and I must kill dvbd , reload drivers, and start dvbd 
if I still want to surf on www 

can anybody tell me why that file downloading isn`t working ?

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