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[linux-dvb] Re: ANNOUNCE: dvbstream-0.4pre1

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 18:43, Philip Armstrong wrote:
> I'd like to help with the development of this stuff Dave, so if you've
> anything specific you think needs pushing along then shout, otherwise
> I'll just get on with hacking together a pile of python to build a
> remotely controllable VDR-style app...

I'm always happy to accept any patches for my programs.  Maybe other users 
can suggest new features.

What I am hoping to do with my separate command-line applications is to mimic 
the functionality of VDR - but to do it in what I consider to be the "Unix 
style".  i.e. having small specialist command-line applications that do a 
single task very well and that can be joined together using unreadable 
scripts and cryptic command-line arguments. :-)



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