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[linux-dvb] DVB driver crash

Javier Lopez writes:
 > Hello to all,
 > I have detected a crash of DVB driver with one transponder; Hispasat 12380 
 > V. This transponder is carrying more than 40 channels (a lot of radio 
 > channels), and when I switch with VDR to a channel of this transponder, one 
 > of 4 times I get a dvb driver crash and sometimes the VDR menu changes the 
 > color to some color very dificult to read. This only happens with this 
 > transponder, then I deduct is the amount of channels it's carrying and the 
 > DVB driver is not able to manage. With MS Windows applications there isn't 
 > any problem with this transponder.
 > Can anybody tell me where is the parameter of the maximum channels per 
 > transponder in the dvb driver, an how can I change it?.

The number of channels per transponder should not matter unless you
want to open a filter for each one. Is the transponder FTA or


| Dr. Marcus O.C. Metzler        |                                   |
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