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[linux-dvb] Re: TT DVB-T - Further problems

Wednesday, 23. April 2003 01:30 Ragnar Sundblad wrote:

> I must revise my earlier statement of tzap output - I have seen
> both cases where only the ber value seems to halt but the signal
> strength varies and the status occasionally is 1F-s (FE_HAS_LOCK),
> as Edward describes, and the case where all the values seems to
> lock as I described. In both cases, I guess this must really
> be a lock up in the sp8870.

But why does reloading the module dvb-ttpci then recovers it? Does this gives 
an hardware reset to the sp8870? Because a software reset is done with every 
channel switch and that doesn't help.

> I have tried the patch that Jürgen sent yesterday.
> Results:
> The lock ups sadly still happens, with about the same frequency
> as before, I think. The upside is that it now often can unlock
> itself on another retune! I wanted to find out what made this
> improvement and tried to comment out both the read-pending-
> interrupts-readreg and the writereg(0xc05, ...), but it _still_
> can recover from these lock ups.

Still wondering why my card is working. It's in a very slow P166, so maybe 
thats makes the difference and you could try to add some delays into the 
tuning sequenz?  

> Thanks for your work, Jürgen!

Well, the patch was more Holgers work. I only copied it from his SP8872 


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