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[linux-dvb] Re: [PATCH] Make grundig_29504-401 tuner work onmodule re-insertion

Hi Jon,

Jon Burgess wrote:

--- grundig_29504-401.c.orig 2003-06-07 12:53:55.000000000 +0100
+++ grundig_29504-401.c 2003-06-10 23:17:52.000000000 +0100
@@ -433,10 +433,7 @@
struct i2c_msg msg [] = { { .addr = 0x55, .flags = 0, .buf = b0, .len = 1 },
{ .addr = 0x55, .flags = I2C_M_RD, .buf = b1, .len = 1 } };
- if (i2c->xfer (i2c, msg, 2) == 2) /* probably an EEPROM... */
- return -ENODEV;
- reset_and_configure (i2c);
+ init(i2c);
that's illegal -- it would overwrite an attached EEPROM if we write registers before we're sure that it's really a L64781. I just realized that the grundig_29504-401 drivers in DVB/ and dvb-kernel are not synchronized, I'll fix that. Can you please update your CVS and then take the new grundig_29504-401.c as reference?

many thanks,


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