I had compiled the VDR version 1.1.30 and also the correspondin DVB driver is also compiled. Now whne i am trying to run the vdr using runvdr it gives the following error.
vdr: no primary device found - using first device!
I tried to debug the problem and had given the analysis below:
The function call cDevice::SetPrimaryDevice(Setup.PrimaryDVB) is done with Setup.PrimaryDVB =1. Also inside the above fucntion there is one condition if (0 <= n && n < numDevices && device[n]), the initial
value of numDevices=0 and also device[n]=NULL, so its not entering the condtion and the value of primaryDevice remains NULL.
So when executing the condition if (!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()), it fails because of primaryDevice =NULL and prints the message vdr: no primary device found - using first device! and main() return.
Now my question how to intialize the numDevices and device[n], is it missed in the code or i had taken the wrong version of vdr?
Can anyone please help me?
Thanks and Regards,