User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1
Wolfgang Thiel wrote:
I can send you my XF86Config-4 if you like; itīs for a Philips 107G.
Please do so.
As the switching from X11 to textmode didnīt work with NVIDIA either,
I have two computers (both with GeForce Ti4600/1.0-4496).
One uses the DVI-interface with a Philips-TFT. Here, as you described, the key
sequence <CTRL><ALT><F1> does NOT switch from X11 to textmode (1.0-4496).
The other computer uses the VGA-connector. Here I can toggle between X11 and
textmode with <CTRL><ALT><F1>/<F7>.
Ciao Ruediger
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