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[linux-dvb] Re: Vdr "video data stream broken"

Andreas Share wrote:


I have around 1600-1800 interrupts per second, with the ss2 as secondary
device during epgscan.

OK, That is not excessive - an idle 2.6 machine has 1000 from the timer interrupt alone.

One other thing: The Dbox2 related Tuxbox Project share the Api3 and the
most of the core driver stuff with us. And they have similar problems.
Sometimes the boxes deliever no more audio/video, and sometimes the boxes
have no picture but sound at the german "ARD" channel. They have track them
down to framer crashes, and i think we have the same problem. The tuxbox now
check the framer status and reset it in case of a crash....

When I have trouble with my DXR3 ouput device I get "Buffer overflow" messages from VDR.
On the full featured cards the embedded CPU is involved in both the input and output datapath
so it is possible that a firmware lockup might cause the input to be lost.
If you still receive sound then at least some of the TS is being received.
Perhaps the filter for the video PID gets lost.

IIRC this problems on dvb cards *and* the dbox2 was "indroduced" in API3, so
i think there is a piece of code (or some timing problems) in the core stuff
causes the crashes.

Is there any way to check the framer status on the different dvb cards? If
yes, we could improve the error handling in case the framer crashes.

I am sure something could be done, but it is best IMHO to confirm the cause of the problem before changing the code.
For example, start playing a recording and leave it on pause overnight and see if it still crashes.
If it still crashes then it is less likely to be because the framer is locking up.


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