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[linux-dvb] Re: small modification to scan util from dvb-apps

Am Dienstag, 3. August 2004 13:31 schrieb Eric DEZERT:
> Are you sure of what you say ?
> Because my channels.conf was done with this patch, and I'm using it with
> vdr 1.3.6, 1.3.11 and 1.3.12, and this time it is working.
> As frequency on dvbc are not mhz rounded, we DO need this patch on scan
This is a change introduced in vdr's 1.3 branch.

> But if you are blind, I don't care, 
I don't think being unfriendly is the way to go, especially if your point is 
only partially true.
What about vdr's automatic channle.conf updates? Also introduced in the 1.3 
branch. If any of the rounded freqencies on a network still work, all the 
others should be fixed automatically.

> I did the change, my channels.conf 
> works, I will inform people at our French forum, and that's what's
> important for me.
That's great. So everybody is obviously happy.


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