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[linux-dvb] [RFC][ANNOUNCE] blindscan 0.2 and related patch

[This is the third attempt to send this mail to the list, I apologize if
multiple copies show up. This time the attachment is a .tar.bz2, maybe there
was a max email size problem.]


here is blindscan 0.2 with a new kernel patch, based on comments on the list.

The new patch:
- FE_GET_FRONTEND now returns the precise tuned frequency (not what we asked)
- I don't introduce a "frequency offset" ioctl anymore
- new ioctl for sr range setting (FE_QPSK_SET_SYMBOL_RATE_RANGE):
      1) You use FE_QPSK_SET_SYMBOL_RATE_RANGE to set the range
         through struct dvb_dvb_qpsk_symbol_rate_range.
	 Returns -EINVAL if range not acceptable, 0 if ok.
         The driver stores the values and do nothing more.
      2) you tune normally, but with symbol_rate=0.
      3) get the tuned sr through FE_GET_FRONTEND, if you want.
- all the bit mask stuff is moved into mt312 and is invisible to userspace
- perform the autosearch at 90MHz, not 60MHz (faster?)
- so, no more sr<30000000 limit for auto search
- cache the pll value instead of reading from i2c every time
- better debug output here and there
- little details

The new tool:
- accurate sr (no more 27531, just 27500 or maybe 27501)
- no bit mask stuff, just min and max sr

I'd like to receive as much feedback as possible.
Does it work for you?
Suggestions about the kernel patch?
Are the reported frequencies correct? I always get a value 3-4MHz below
the official frequency; I suppose my LOF is 10604000 instead of 10600000.

The first patch is a work in progress I received from Andreas Oberitter,
mostly related to styling and i2c.

You have to:
- start with cvs 2004-08-12
- apply the 00-mt312_andreas.patch
- apply my 01-mt312_autosr_20040812.patch

Keep in mind that the major number is now 212 (I say this because
I switched from 2.6.7 dvb to cvs and the 250 became 212).


   Roberto Ragusa    mail at

Attachment: blindscan_20040812.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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