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[linux-dvb] Re: dib3000mb questions

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004, Andreas Oberritter wrote:

> Hi Patrick,

Hi Andreas,

> I received a kworld usb box today, so I had a look at your driver and
> made some tiny bugfixes.

Thank you.

> 1.) Inversion
> Is this fall through for INVERSION_AUTO intended?

No. When having INVERSION_AUTO, it is good to skip the
DIB3000MB_REG_DDS_INV at all. I.e. you don't need to set any value to the

> 2.) Hierarchy and Alpha value
>        switch (ofdm->hierarchy_information) {
>                 case HIERARCHY_NONE:
>                         deb_setf("none ");
>                 case HIERARCHY_1:
>                         deb_setf("alpha=1\n");
>                         wr(DIB3000MB_REG_VIT_ALPHA,
>                         break;
> Is this fall through for HIERARCHY_NONE intended?

As you can see, the reg is called 'DIB3000MB_REG_VIT_ALPHA', This 'switch'
only determines and sets the Alpha-Value. The alpha value is 1, when if

> If yes, why isn't it set to HIERARCHY_AUTO instead of HIERARCHY_1?

Setting it to auto would force an auto-search for TPS evertime to user
uses HIERARCHY_NONE, which takes some time.

The actual hierarchy setting are processed below this 'switch'.

> 3.) dib3000mb_read_status seems to behave quite strangely. Shouldn't it
> rather look like this?

I corrected this in the HEAD Branch this week, along with some other

What will happen to the FE_REFACTORING Branch? Will it become the new HEAD
Branch? Or will the changes be merged back?

> 4.) auto_search failed
> Returning -EINVAL here seems strange because it doesn't look like a
> user's fault. What is this supposed to mean?

tuning failed, if autosearch was not successful.

Thanks for the reviewing,



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