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[linux-dvb] Re: dvb-ttpci driver is not SMP ready


> I had similiar problems on my SMP box (nobody answered to my question thus 
> far), with the system just freezing after vdr started a DVB recording. I just 
> replaced the Dual P2-400 board with a Single P3-866 Board, and thus far, I 
> had no problems (but I'm not sure yet, maybe it freezes when I'm not 
> around... ;-)

Thanks for your answer Martin ! :)
At least you answered me, even if it doesn't resolve me problem, it
makes me happy :)

I tried without PREEMPT, the problem is still here.
I should consider myself lucky because it doesn't freeze/crash my
It just gliches my tv.
I've changed the subject, maybe it will help me getting more answers.
(even if they don't help)

I guess i can stop changing my kernel options and compiling it every 3


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