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[vdr] Re: Video Disk Recorder version 0.95 Schmidinger)  16.09.01 17:50

Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...

>The new version 0.95 of the Video Disk Recorder project
>is now available at


>NOTE: VDR now requires that you use a DVB driver version dated
>2001-09-14 or higher.

>- Switched to the driver's new tuning API.

Could it be that the switching is now faster?

>- Pressing the "Power" key now always initiates the shutdown sequence
>(after   user confirmation in case of a recording timer), 

Thats very good.
Maybe could be possible to add a text which key cancels
the poweroff sequence? (Resp. which key continues which poweroff)

Hm, i saw the yellow message, but now (no timers, nothing) 
"power" has no visible effect.

6:19 msi vdr[441]: Power button pressed
6:23 msi last message repeated 3 times      ( because noting on screen)
6:25 msi vdr[441]: switching to channel 13  (to validate IRC is working)

while in "playback" power just stops the replay.

./vdr -w 60 -s ./pwroff

Ok, a problem:
there is no "pwroff" file.

Hm copying from the vdr-0.94 directory did not help.

Hm, but pressing power while a record is running b
rings up the message "recording.." 
Pressing "OK"
brings the "any key cancels".
and really shuts down the device.

>- Three new keys ("Volume+", Volume-" and "Mute") to control
>the DVB card's   audio output volume.

Ah! :-))
Thanks a lot!
Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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