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[vdr] Commands executed in connection with timers


is there any possibility to execute a command before a timer starts
and after it ends?
Just like the commands in commands.conf but controlled by timers.

I'm recording my videos to a reiserfs-disk. In addition, I want to
spin down this disk when there is no disk activity. For this reason
I'm using noflushd which suspends every delayed disk access until
there is real disk activity caused by the user.
Unfortunately reiserfs's journaling bypasses the delay mechanism of
the kernel and thus it happens that noflushd spins down the disk
although a recording is in progress.

The easiest solution from my point of view would be to disable the
disk spin down before a recording starts and to enable it afterwards.
Since I don't want to program all timers twice vdr is the best
candidate to execute these commands.

 Mathias Born

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