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[vdr] Re: vdr[3330]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1! Schmidinger) 19.09.01 08:47
Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...
>Rainer Zocholl wrote:
>> What ist the meaning or cause of/behind:
>> vdr[3330]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
>> 3:07 msi kernel: lirc_serial: AIEEEE: 0 1 3ba714d3 3ba71485
>> 837e72ba11 3:23 msi vdr[935]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
>> 3:38 msi last message repeated 3 times
>> 3:39 msi kernel: lirc_serial: AIEEEE: 0 1 3ba714f3 3ba714d3
>> e30198386a 3:49 msi vdr[935]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
>> 4:07 msi vdr[935]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
>> etc..
>Might be a weak antenna signal?
Just watched the same channel that was recorded.
Saw the "ERROR: can't record MPEG1!" in
tail -f /var/log/messages &
After two of thos message the box died with a "kernel panic".
On the console screen still lirc-messages, scrolling the
"kernel panic" out of sight.
reboot, recording resumes.
Error msgs still comming.
Went back to vdr-0.94 (and hopefully..) to dvb-20010803
(Is there really no way to determine which version is
_really_ loaded? VDR nicely tells.)
6:11 msi kernel: lirc_serial: AIEEEE: 0 1 3ba8dc3b 3ba8dc00 9a4fe
6:47 msi kernel: lirc_serial: AIEEEE: 0 1 3ba8dc5f 3ba8dc4e 441ac
7:13 msi vdr[1304]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
7:16 msi kernel: lirc_serial: AIEEEE: 0 1 3ba8dc7c 3ba8dc5f c30e6
7:20 msi vdr[1304]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
8:01 msi last message repeated 2 times
8:37 msi last message repeated 4 times
9:26 msi vdr[1304]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
9:34 msi kernel: lirc_serial: AIEEEE: 0 1 3ba8dd06 3ba8dc7c 7a072
9:55 msi vdr[1304]: ERROR: can't record MPEG1!
0:00 msi vdr[1304]: output thread ended (pid=1304)
0:00 msi vdr[1305]: input thread ended (pid=1305)
0:00 msi vdr[1294]: buffer stats: 67680 (6%) used
0:00 msi vdr[1294]: timer 15 stop
Don't be irretated 'bout the lirc. There are sometimes
several dozen seconds, and there are MPEG1-Errors repeated.
What i changed and not undid yet:
lm_Sensors 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1
i2c-2.6.0 -> 2.6.1
kernel 2.4.9
Someone else using these i2c-versions/Kernel?
(Compiled separate, not as Kerenel patch)
lirc-0.6.4pre3 (not changed)
diff -r i2c-2.6.0/CHANGES i2c-2.6.1/CHANGES
> 2.6.1 (2001????)
> drivers (all): Sync with kernel 2.4.2 (malloc.h -> slab.h)
> i2c-core.c: Fix iteration bug in i2c_get_client();
> initialize i2c-proc if built-in.
> i2c-dev.c: Sync with kernel 2.4.9 (i2cdev_lseek -> no_llseek)
> i2c-id.h: Add device ID for Chrontel 700X driver;
> add ID for primitive parallel port driver.
> i2c-pport.c: New - not mkpatched by default
> mkpatch/ PPC405 fix
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