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[vdr] Re: RUNVDR-Script stop working
> Axel Gruber wrote:
> >
> > Hi all
> >
> > I have a realy stupid problem:
> >
> > i start my VDR on a other Machine via SSH and i use the
> RUNVDR Script.
> >
> > i use this command:
> >
> > ./runvdr -c /vdr/settings -v /video0 &
> >
> > That should mean that the script will be executed in
> background - and it seem to work - but after some time
> (sometimes 1 Hour - sometimes 5 Hours) - then the VDR is not
> running and also the Script is not running. If i look at the
> logile i only see the "exit" and thatīs all.
> >
> > Does anyone have a idea what happened ?
> usening an & does mean the command runs in backround - correct, but it
> is not detached from the terminal. this means the script is a child of
> the terminal - so when the terminal exits for any reason - its childs
> will get the kill signal. thats why there are daemons, after startup,
> they are no longer connected to their startup terminal.
Thats where the 'nohup' commands enters the scene.
quote manpage:
The nohup utility invokes the named command with the argu-
ments supplied. When the command is invoked, nohup
arranges for the SIGHUP signal to be ignored by the process.
The nohup utility can be used when it is known that command
will take a long time to run and the user wants to logout of
the terminal; when a shell exits, the system sends its chil-
dren SIGHUP signals, which by default cause them to be
killed. All stopped, running, and background jobs will
ignore SIGHUP and continue running, if their invocation is
preceded by the nohup command or if the process programmat-
ically has chosen to ignore SIGHUP.
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