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[vdr] Re: Programm for cutting and splitting MPG-Streams

 --- Ernst Lehmann <> wrote:
> > vdr itself? select the right filesize in the
> settingsmenu and cut the file
> > again.
> Thats not so easy. Because if you have cutted a film
> before. How can you 
> easy set the second cutting-mark at the end of the
> film. As far as I know, 
> the mark has to be set from vdr itself. Or can I
> just insert a time 
> manualy in the marks.vdr ?

Adding it manually would be somewhat critical, as you
don't know the exact position of the I-frames (I

How about that:
Put the 2nd mark near the end, jump to it (7 or 9) and
push it to the end (4 & 6). Didn't try, but think, it
should work.


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