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[vdr] Re: Timer Bug in vdr?

Am 22.09.2001 19:44:56, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger <>:

>The timer considerations are all done in the main thread.
>I don't know (yet) what causes this funny behaviour, but I have also
>observed this once. When I wanted to recreate the conditions in order
>to reproduce it, the error didn't occur any more...

So it seems that I'm no longer alone... I have lot's of this timers that start late and the strange 
thing is that they also stop if vdr has another time than the rest of the system.
I also have recordings that start at the correct time, but do not end and continue recording. 
Additionally after such a recording, it happens that the OSD gets screwed up.. the event-info 
either disappears immediately or stays forever (I need to press OK to get it away) and direct 
channel jumping with the numbers doesn't always work (no more timeout after a keypress). The 
only thing that helps is a reboot, driver-reload and vdr-restart change nothing. BUT.. if I do 
nothing it can happen that after the next recording-task the OSD/jumping is fine again.
I think that started when I changed the mainboard/CPU, but I have no idea what could be going 
wrong, the rest of the system is running normal. What I also observed it that before this happens 
vdr gets in some kind of sleep.. the system-log shows no more channel-switches (eit-thread?) and 
the logger starts writing "----MARK----" every 20 mins. When this happens, VDR also doesn't 
react on the SVDRP-port anymore.
I was just short before bying a new hd and re-installing from scratch.. but now that I'm not alone 
anymore I will wait...

Greetings,  Marcus

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