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[vdr] Re: vdr-0.95/0.96 Mute Vol+/- do not work with DVB-C  25.09.01 00:28

Once upon a time Oliver shaped the electrons to say...


>Bei mir funktionieren die Keys Mute Volume +/- nicht.
(Please ask in english)

>ich habe folgende software
>suse 7.2Kernel - 2.4.9 / dvbsnapshot vom 21.9 / vdr 0.95/0.96 (  -d )
>mit dvd und lirc 6.3   - Siemens DVB-C rev 01

I am use in 6.4pre3 (lirc_serial) without any problems.

>ich habe es auch mit telnet probiert :

> VDR:/opt/vdr # telnet localhost 2001
>Trying ::1...
>Connected to localhost.
>Escape character is '^]'.
>220 VDR SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 0.96; Mon Sep 24 22:52:38 2001
>hitk Mute
>250 Key "Mute" accepted

>aber auch keine reaktion

There is a bug in 0.95 that the volume do not
work during replay or when the menu is on screen.

Please use the search function of the maillist.
(The subjects and the threading on the http-page are 
often not very helpful, here are a lot of Outlook (Express) 
and notes users, breaking each reference chains :-( )

>auch keine fehlmeldungen in /var/log/messages oder warn

>danach hab ich nochmal probiert den Wert in der setup.conf manuel zu
>ändern aber nachdem ich vdr neu starte steht der Wert wieder auf 255.

AFAIK: Currently VDR do not restore the last Volume state.
255 is initially set by the DVB-driver.

Yesteryesterday we had the same issue.
AFAIK: Curently the only way:
Patch dvb "SetVolume" to the default volume you like to have as default.

(I would like to have a time depend default volume too :-)
In the morning loud, in the evening normal, and in the
night silent :-) )

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