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[vdr] Re: vdr-0.95/0.96 Mute Vol+/- do not work with DVB-C
Oliver wrote:
>> Hallo
>> Bei mir funktionieren die Keys Mute Volume +/- nicht.
>> ich habe folgende software
>> suse 7.2Kernel - 2.4.9 / dvbsnapshot vom 21.9 / vdr 0.95/0.96 ( -d ) mit
>> und lirc 6.3 - Siemens DVB-C rev 01
>> Alles andere funktioniert echt Klasse,
>> ich habe es auch mit telnet probiert :
>> VDR:/opt/vdr # telnet localhost 2001
>> Trying ::1...
>> Trying
>> Connected to localhost.
>> Escape character is '^]'.
>> 220 VDR SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 0.96; Mon Sep 24 22:52:38 2001
>> hitk Mute
>> 250 Key "Mute" accepted
>> aber auch keine reaktion
>> auch keine fehlmeldungen in /var/log/messages oder warn
>> danach hab ich nochmal probiert den Wert in der setup.conf manuel zu ändern
>> aber nachdem ich vdr neu starte steht der Wert wieder auf 255.
>If you write "CurrentVolume = 150" into 'setup.conf', run VDR and stop VDR,
>has the value in 'setup.conf' actually been set back to 255? I can't believe
your'e right I change the Parameter in the setup.conf by running vdr
now I tested this by stopping vdr before change setup.conf an restart vdr
and the CurrentVolume setting is Ok but the volume of the Card is always at
top level so that this behaviour come's probably from the driver
>> yoh das war's
>> wär nett wenn mir da einer Helfen könnte
>I don't think that the volume problem is a VDR problem. VDR merely calls the
>API function, and there's no (apparent) difference between DVB-S and DVB-C
>Just to be sure: you _do_ have connected your tv set to the video/audio out
>of the DVB-C card, and _not_ to the audio out of some audio card you might
>installed in your system?! VDR's volume control works only with the card's
>own audio
No there is nothing other between dvb-card and TV in my system
>> LOL
>If I remember these abbreviations correctly LOL means "Laughing Out Loud".
>So what exactly is so funny?
Oh sorry I mean Lorei Oliver ( LOL)
and of course is it not funny, it is more like ....
>BTW: all mailing lists on are supposed to be "English speaking".
oh English is not so my favorite and I seen many messages befor in german so
I thing it's better to do it in german so that you better can understood what
I mean becouse of my bad English.
and at least still a big Thank's to everybody who do work for this excellent
Oliver Lorei
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