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[vdr] Re: vdr-0.95/0.96 Mute Vol+/- do not work with DVB-C 25.09.01 03:12
Once upon a time Oliver shaped the electrons to say...
>>If you write "CurrentVolume = 150" into 'setup.conf', run VDR and
>>stop VDR, has the value in 'setup.conf' actually been set back to
>>255? I can't believe that
>your'e right I change the Parameter in the setup.conf by running vdr
>now I tested this by stopping vdr before change setup.conf an restart
>vdr and the CurrentVolume setting is Ok but the volume of the Card is
>always at top level so that this behaviour come's probably from the
Yes, as i already wrote:
The DVB driver turns the Volume to the maximum!
(Grep for "SetVolume" here or in DVB/drivers)
I would suggest that the default volume set by the driver
should (must?) be Zero (fail save)
else there would always be a phase where the
voice coils are trying to fly.
It's upto the application to set the "right" Volume IMHO.
(And the application is doing it the right way already, thanks to Klaus.)
>oh English is not so my favorite
Your are not alone :-)
>and I seen many messages befor in german
That was at least "germisch" ;-)
>so I thing it's better to do it in german so that you better
>can understood what I mean becouse of my bad English.
Practise! Just practise.
(Hm, is here some one with mother tongue english liking to
send the corrected text back to the authors ;-) )
Rainer---<=====> Vertraulich
<=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------
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