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[vdr] Re: driver reload via commands.conf

Am 28.09.2001 22:42:37, schrieb "Jochen Vieten" <>:

Well... I have:


This way, runvdr will always be restarted (well.. can lead to funny loops if something is 
misconfigured.. i then usually just rename the runvdr-script for the moment :-)

and in runvdr I have moved the driver-stuff inside the loop:

# Load driver if it hasn't been loaded already:
#if [ $LSMOD -eq 0 ] ; then
#   (cd $DVBDIR; make insmod)

#(cd $DVBDIR; make rmmod; make insmod)

while (true) do
      (cd $DVBDIR; make rmmod; make insmod)

I believe it's always better if the drivers get reloaded when vdr is restarted.. it doesn't take long, 
so why not do it inside the loop. And i have shortened the 'sleep' to 1 second.

In commands.conf I have:

1 Kapazität: echo -n "Es sind noch etwa "; expr $(df /video0|grep dev|awk '{printf"%d",
$4/30000,stdout;}') + $(df /video1|grep dev|awk '{printf"%d",$4/30000,stdout;}') + $(df /video2
|grep dev|awk '{printf"%d",$4/30000,stdout;}');echo "Minuten frei";
2 Linux-Info: uptime; free
6 VDR Neustart: killall -9 vdr
8 Hardware: sensors via686a-isa-6000| tail -n6 |sed -e "s/^\(.*\)(.*$/\1/"
9 Rechner Neustart: reboot
0 Rechner ausschalten: poweroff

This works for me.. maybe you have to specify full paths.

Greetings,   Marcus

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