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[vdr] default setting of non used cards (was:Re: Re: Idea: Change DVB card while recording Schmidinger)  28.10.01 16:30

Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...

>> Maybe it makes sense to implement:
>> If EPGtimeout=0, (and DiSeq=0?) then always tune back the
>> unused, secondary card(s) to a "v" (or give that voltage).
>> But where to do?

>Wouldn't it be better to simply install a multiswitch?

Better yes, i would like to, but it is not possible, sorry.

But I don't own the house and there is no way to get another
cable (or 3!) from the dish or install an own dish.
So i have only one coax cable.
AFAIK it is imposible to get both polarizations on one wire
simultaniously, or?

It would be a far better solution to 
power down all not used cards entirely.
Each cards "eats" approx. 10W.
That's not only "real money"(*) over the year wasted when the card is
idle, that's waste of resources, which is more important to avoid.
(Money can be printed...)

But APM/APCI is not so far developed under linux.

(*)10W for 24h over 365 days makes 10*24*365 = 87600Wh or 87kWh.
With 25c/kWh that's aprox 20EUR for nothing.
With 4 Cards 60EUR a year. (Sometimes the cards are really
in use, so i took 10% off (87,6->80).

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