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[vdr] Re: Power down problem

On 4 Nov 2001, Rainer Zocholl wrote:

RZ> The powerdown script would have to react:
RZ>     If time is OK (far enough in the future):
RZ>        Setup awake up timer and turn off
RZ>     If the time in not far enough in the future
RZ>     or if time is in the past:
RZ>       just turn off, disable the wakeup feature.
RZ> The last point is implementend in nvram-wakeup just the
RZ> other way to be "fail save", i assume.

nvram-wakeup does not turn off any computer. it just sets the wakeup time
into nvram and exits. It doesnt make any sense to set the wakeup time to
the past.

as you wrote above: "The script would have to react".

the script is the program which does all the work. it uses nvram-wakeup
(or whichever program) to make sure the computer will turn at given time,
it uses shutdown to actually turn off the computer...

RZ> Between "setting the timer" and the "actual wake up"
RZ> there must be sufficient time,
RZ> else the wakeup time could be missed because it may
RZ> occur during the "shutdown -r", and no wakeup occurs...

that's why nvram-wakeup refuses to set any wakeup time earlier than
`now`+10min by default. but you can change (increase or decrease it) the
value WAKEUP_BEFORE in nvram-wakeup.h

RZ> Especially critical is the additional reboot, because
RZ> sometimes a lengthly fsck occurs.
RZ> One shutdown -r
RZ> One reboot (required to enable. It's just a workarround)
RZ>             (Has to check if the actuall shutdown is to be allowed!
RZ>             that check currently not done)
RZ> One shutdown
RZ> Anyway: There must be a "safety time margin" for the wakeup.
RZ> VDR can't know about this detail.
RZ> How to solve that?

see above.

RZ> And...will it be clear to the user, that if he
RZ> kills a recording with "power off", he also disables the
RZ> wake up for all recordings?

is it clear to him/her? I think the user has written a script which shuts
the computer down regardless of any running recording.

KS> If the user turns off VDR willingly and against VDR's "advice"
KS> (remember: there's a recording going on!), it would seem only fair
KS> that the USER turns it on again when he/she thinks it's ok to do so.

I totally agree.

RZ> So:
RZ> It there a way of "feed back" from the external programm to
RZ> the OSD? (tty on OSD? ;-))

you can write one-line messages with on the OSD.

c ya

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