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[vdr] Re: VideoCD Patch

Andreas Schultz wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > Andreas Schultz wrote:
> >
> >>damn, how dare you, *THAT* was on my TODO list ;-)
> >>
> >>Good work. Hopefuly Klaus will include this in his next release.
> >>
> >
> > Modifying the core VDR structures to allow easier implementation
> > of additional players and stuff like that will most likely be done
> > after VDR has reached the 1.00 version.
> which raises question, what are your criterias for the 1.00 release?
> Andreas

Well, that's the tough question...

Since we are already pretty close to 1.00, there won't be too
many changes until then, I guess. I don't have a fixed TODO list
with "milestones" or the like (after all, VDR is a hobby...)
but I guess what I want to see in version 1.00 is the hierarchical
recordings menu (which I am about half-way done coding at the moment).

It's probably not worth waiting for Andreas' upcoming DVD navigation,
since that's still in a very early stage and might be a good candidate
for a version 1.10. DVD replay apparently works quite good at the moment,
witout the comfort of real DVD navigation (although I do hope Andreas
will succeed in making this work, because it would be great to have it!).

There may be a few other small things to fix and brush up for version 1.00,
but no additional major features. Once 1.00 is reached I'll try to better
isolate the various interfaces to allow better implementation of add-ons
without having to patch the whole VDR source in various ways...


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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