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[vdr] Re: Small wishes for VDR ;-) Favre)  03.12.01 09:32

Once upon a time Gregoire Favre shaped the electrons to say...

>On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 11:46:48PM +0100, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

>> I'm not sure what you mean - why would you have to patch VDR to use
>> it with LIRC?

>;-)) No: I already use lirc with VDR... What I would like is the file
>config.c have a test to see if the file /etc/VDR/lirc exist, and in
>that case, take the buttons from this file rather than those defined
>in config.c. That's only to avoid the manual editing/patching of it at
>every release of VDR...

Since the Makefile has a very low change frequency
i just make a diff between new and old and copy the old Makefile
over the new...if required.

Too i have always an extreme simple shell script that "makes" the files. 
Because it's at "../" it survives updates...!

Another script is doing the directory renames 
and the unpacking/patching if required etc.
and compiles the first time. (see vdrpatch below)

>And of course, if that file exist, one should only make to compile
>VDR. without the need to make REMOTE=LIRC

>Same if /etc/VDR/DVB exist, no more need of DVD=1...

Sometime ago i used to have a "../machine" file included in the
Makefile which defines all the specials for this one machine.

I do not feel very comfortable that the pure existance
of a file in a global directory may configures a compile.
Errors and side effects are hard to find and harder to
document or if someone else should reproduce the environment
or to make a backup for that project. (maybe links may help).

Imagine that there are guys who are "cross" compiling on one
machine and just download it to the CFlash-drive-only target...
Why should they generate an /etc/VDR/DVB or LIRC on the compiling machine?


msi:~/video# cat vdrpatch
#/ /bin/sh
# in extreme trivial script to unpack and apply 
# a patch to VDR
# each new version is stored in a new directory
# the old version is moved to VDR.prev-currentversionnumber
# To avoid unwanted clobbering VDRVER=0.98
# must be edited in the file and is no command line
# parameter by intention.
# 2001-12-03 zoc mailed to vdr-list
# hope it'll help
# todo: lot of error checkings...

#Edit the version number here
#Edit remote control here



if [ ! -e vdr-$VDRVER.tgz ] ; then
 echo Missing vdr-$VDRVER.tgz
 exit 1

if [ -e $VDRDIR ] ; then
 echo a Version $VDRVER seems to exist
 echo rename or remove the directory \'$VDRDIR\'
 exit 1

echo patching Version $VDRVER

# save old (maybe modified) VDR-version
rm -R VDR.prev-$VDRVER

# unpack new version
tar -xzf vdr-$VDRVER.tgz

# rename VDR to a directory with a version number

# stay compatible with a VDR-directory

cd VDR
#zcat ../vdr-$VDRVER-multispeed.diff.gz | patch -p1
#zcat ../vdr-$VDRVER-showmode.diff.gz | patch -p1

make clean # just in case

cd ..

# give new user a hint how to start...
echo cd VDR
echo ./runvdr

echo patched Version $VDRVER for Remote control with $REMOTE

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