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[vdr] all in one patch / problems in starting mplayer from within vdr

sorry, but i still got some problems in starting mplayer from the vdr menu.
when i
start manually from the shell with the command /etc/
/media/cdrom/test.avi all is ok, but when i try to start from vdr the
tv-picture will become black, and after a second the tv picture is already
the dvb-s channel. in the file /var/log/messages i see mplayer thread
started, max latency time 2 sec. i've had the argument -M /etc/ in
my runvdr script, and when i rename with i'll get
the error that mplayer isn't found - therefor i assume that mplayer is found
in the above normal case.
is there any special compiling for mplayer?
my generating process was as follows:
cd /usr/src/Mplayer-0.50
./configure  –enable-gui –with-extraincdir=/usr/src/DVB/ost/include
make install

now i've no more ideas how to get mplayer started from vdr menu ;-(

anyone who can help me?

p.s. can mplayer put sound output to dvb-s ?

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