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[vdr] CD-Audio Player, anyone?

Hello DVB/VDR-Enthusiasts,

has anyone of you already thought about a CD-Audio Player Patch for VDR? 
This is just the greatest environment I ever had (multimedia-wise), the only thing missing (nah, not really, would just be very nice) would be something to play/rip CD's.

I am thinking in the direction of Real-Jukebox for windows:

If you start to play a CD, it starts to rip (after cddb-request) the track into mp3 on the harddisk and then starts to replay this mp3-file from harddisk immediately (to the user it looks like it plays the CD directly).
If you skip to e.g. track 2 before it has ripped track 1 to the end, it skips track 1 completely (marks it internally as not yet ripped), starts ripping, encoding and playing track 2 on the fly.

If it gets ready with the track you currently listen to, it starts ripping the other tracks on the CD.

Like this, while you listen to 1-2 songs "live" from the CD, the complete CD has been ripped into your MP3-Collection.

Would that be technically feasible? Any tools that come to your mind (maybe ones, that do it like this already on the commandline, which would just need some input-/output-changes for integration into VDR) ?
I know, this sounds like a big project, but I hope it would be doable.

As my programming-knowledge is just enough for shell-programming, I can just offer to test, try and think about whatever you propose :)

Thank you,


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