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[vdr] Re: channel x not sync'ed ?? Hoffmann) 06.01.02 01:29
Once upon a time Martin Hoffmann shaped the electrons to say...
>Now i have tracked it down a little further and i think it might be a
>heat problem with my primary dvbs card !
>Does anyone know how to cool the card properly ?
>Without noise of a fan ?
>The chip that is covered by the metal box on the card (there seems
>some heat cream (Leitpaste?)
Hitze Sahne?
Maybe "heat conduction paste", better (IMHO) "thermal paste"?
> between the metal and the chip surface)
>gets quite hot - i nearly burnt my finger by touching :-(
That means nothing. over approx. 50C ever thing ist "hot".
>Has anyone already built it's own cooling or mounted some cooler upon
>the card ?
It depends on which tuner you have.
I have no boards with Alps Tuner found, where the cooling strip
touches the chip below at all! They all have a 1..2mm gap of
"pure air" between chip and "heat sink" strip.
It seems that the shielding metal boxes were made for
other chips sets too which require(s/d) more cooling.
Older tuners may comsume more power and generates more heat.
I have attached a little 40mm Fan between 12V and 5V (Red=12V, black=5V)
so it runs very silent with 7V and have placed it over/between the
two boards. But i think i can remove it: The card it self was broken.
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