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[vdr] Re: AW: DVB-C Rev.2.1 and J2
Hello Lauri,
* Lauri Pesonen <> [06-01-02 11:48]:
> Hold on here. Between composite and svhs (its actually s-video)?! I'd like
> to note here that a single SCART connector can provide the signals for
> sound, composite, RGB/S-video. Thus the SCART either provides a RGB signal
> or a S-video signal. If you select S-video from your TV set, the TV will
> decide to use composite since there is no S-video signal (there's an RGB
> signal). So again you are comparing composite to composite.
Ok, i try to explain it:
My TV has 4 scartinputs, one normal input and three S-vhs/rgb inputs.
The normal input can only receive normal vhs(no rgb or vhs-if you give
shvs or rgb the picture is black-white).
The other 3 inputs can handle vhs/s-vhs/rgb.
My scartcables are fully connected.
My dvb-s card has an composite output(coax).
I go with a coax-cable(only picture) to an scartadapter(also the
sound-comes over a seperate cable) and than go into the TV(i go into
the normal input on my tv).
My other digital receiver is also connectet to my tv(over one of the
s-vhs input connectors) with a scartcable.
Now a watch the same programm on my dvb-s and on my digital receiver.
I switch between the S-VHS(Digital receiver) and the
VHS-Signal(DVB-S), but i cannot see any qualitiy differences.
I think the DVB-s card give a little bit more than a normal signal.
Now i have a look to the homepage, the write:
* TV Out: Composite Video Ausgang, zum Anschluß eines
Fernsehgeräts oder Videorekorders
It also says, it is a normal composite output, but the picture quality
is really very well.
> If you have two SCARTs in your TV set, the other one is probably an RGB
> SCART and the other one a S-video SCART. Refer to your manual. I'd be very
> interested in hearing about the difference.
See top.
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