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[vdr] Re: AW: DVB-C Rev.2.1 and J2
Hello Matthias,
On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 10:18:04PM +0100, Matthias Fechner wrote:
> Hello Lauri,
> * Lauri Pesonen <> [06-01-02 11:48]:
> >
> > Hold on here. Between composite and svhs (its actually s-video)?! I'd like
> > to note here that a single SCART connector can provide the signals for
> > sound, composite, RGB/S-video. Thus the SCART either provides a RGB signal
> > or a S-video signal. If you select S-video from your TV set, the TV will
> > decide to use composite since there is no S-video signal (there's an RGB
> > signal). So again you are comparing composite to composite.
> Ok, i try to explain it:
> My TV has 4 scartinputs, one normal input and three S-vhs/rgb inputs.
> The normal input can only receive normal vhs(no rgb or vhs-if you give
> shvs or rgb the picture is black-white).
> The other 3 inputs can handle vhs/s-vhs/rgb.
As far as I know / remember, a single SCART input can handle either
composite ans RGB _or_ composite and s-video. A single SCART input cannot
handle all three of them at the same time. That was the point in my
previous mail. If you select the TV to receive RGB, but the SCART provides
S-video and composite, the TV will fall back to composite.
> My scartcables are fully connected.
> My dvb-s card has an composite output(coax).
> I go with a coax-cable(only picture) to an scartadapter(also the
> sound-comes over a seperate cable) and than go into the TV(i go into
> the normal input on my tv).
> My other digital receiver is also connectet to my tv(over one of the
> s-vhs input connectors) with a scartcable.
> Now a watch the same programm on my dvb-s and on my digital receiver.
> I switch between the S-VHS(Digital receiver) and the
> VHS-Signal(DVB-S), but i cannot see any qualitiy differences.
> I think the DVB-s card give a little bit more than a normal signal.
> Now i have a look to the homepage, the write:
> * TV Out: Composite Video Ausgang, zum Anschluß eines
> Fernsehgeräts oder Videorekorders
> It also says, it is a normal composite output, but the picture quality
> is really very well.
I thought the discussion was about comparing the composite and RGB output
of the DVB-S card. There you should see a difference: RGB should be better
than composite.
Also, are you sure that the digital receiver outputs s-video and not
-- Lauri
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