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[vdr] AW: vdr DVD playback, DVD-R Problem, 2 Questions ...
Hi again,
now i know that i have to post this to the vdr mailing list instead to the
linux-dvd list( Thanks for Szymon Polom for pointing this out ), here we go
>From Marcus Metzler i already got the answer to my PAL60 Question, it seems
not to be possible to talk the DVB-S into converting from NTSC to PAL60.
I also got the hint to ask here about the "not-playing-back" of my homebrew
DVD-R Discs.
So far i got two hints:
-1- DVD-R may use a slightly different file System then regular DVD's.
--> could that be the problems source ?? I can only say that i am able to
mount DVD-R's with UDF Filesystem and can access all files from linux.
-2- vdr maybe implemented DVD Playback in a way that uppercase / lowercase
naming of the DVD Files can make a difference while the original libdvdread
should ignore upper/lowercase letters, Klaus, any opinion on this ??
The other question also got solved, i found a vcd/svcd patch HERE:
Thanks for your help,
> Hi !
> Maybe you got a hint for me, 1 thing is bugging me right now:
> I can playback DVD's just fine, PAL as well as NTSC, but my self-burned
> DVD-R's ( using a Pioneer DVR-A03 ) do not play, vdr complains
> about the ifo
> file not beeing found ?!
> When i mount a regular DVD and compare to my DVD-R, i can see that the
> directory & filenames on my DVD-R are all uppercase while many of the
> commercial DVD's have lowercase filenames, is that a track to the solution
> of the problem ???
> the other Questions:
> -1- I can playback NTSC movies just fine on my regular TV Set, but when i
> use my other one, the image is Black and white, as this TV does
> not support
> But from playing with a Hollywood+ Card i know that it supports PAL60, is
> the DVB-S able ( and how can i make it ) to play NTSC as PAL 60 ???
> -2- I know i saw a patch for playing VCD's and SVCD's with vdr too, but i
> cannot remember where to find it, any hints ?
> Thanks for any hints/infos,
> Nils
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