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[vdr] Re: AW: vdr DVD playback, DVD-R Problem, 2 Questions ...
Hi again,
Quoting Nils Heidorn (
> I also got the hint to ask here about the "not-playing-back" of my homebrew
> DVD-R Discs.
> So far i got two hints:
> -1- DVD-R may use a slightly different file System then regular DVD's.
> --> could that be the problems source ?? I can only say that i am able to
> mount DVD-R's with UDF Filesystem and can access all files from linux.
After some investigation:
The DVD-R File Systems Specifications relay on a subset of UDF, so mounting
is possible in every case. But the naming conventions for the content may
differ. Since convergece does not own the DVD-R File Specifications for DVD
Video, I can't give you a 100% reliable answer to this problem.
There also other Video Specifications for Recordable, Rerecordable and
Rewriteable Discs than for Read-Only Discs. convergence does own the
specifications, but we're bound to a NDA. The only statement I can make on
this is: The available Open Source DVD Video players will not play anything
but DVD-ROM Video (until someone hacks the things together ;-)).
> -2- vdr maybe implemented DVD Playback in a way that uppercase / lowercase
> naming of the DVD Files can make a difference while the original libdvdread
> should ignore upper/lowercase letters, Klaus, any opinion on this ??
AFAIK libdvdread uses the UDF module developed by convergence and released
under the GPL (or a part of it). If nobody messed the things up it should
work :-).
Bye... Szymon.
Szymon Polom, Project Manager Middleware GPG Key-ID: E6EA36F2
convergence integrated media GmbH
Rosenthaler Str. 51 fon: +49(0)30-72 62 06 68
D-10178 Berlin fax: +49(0)30-72 62 06 55
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