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[vdr] Re: Video Disk Recorder version 0.99pre2

Am Sonntag, 27. Januar 2002 23:08 schrieben Sie:
> I re-used mechanisms that were already there.
Thought also. And I fear that this would be a lot of work to change.

> I wonder if you have "flat" and "hierarchical" recordings mixed on your
> machine. In such cases the approach I have chosen appears to be the logical
> extension of an existing scheme (at least to me).

Hmm, it appears logical to software developers. But think of users who are
normally not gettig in touch with computers.
Having a bigger optical difference between direcories and "flat" recordings 
would be better.

What about this look?

[  SERIE  ]*Abenteuer Wissen (2)                       
29.12 20:13 AnimalFarm                              
24.01 20:13*Die Erben der Saurier - Im Reich der Urz
[  SERIE  ] nano (1)

[  SERIE  ]  Appears at "hierachical" recordings instead of Date/Time
*            Appears if there are unseen recordings in directory
(#)          Number of total recordings in directory


Andreas Gebel    Tel: +49 345 6782511
Diese Nachricht wurde ohne Zuhilfenahme von Microsoft- Produkten erstellt.
"Erst der Mensch macht den Alligator zum Menschenfresser"
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