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[vdr] Re: [linux-dvb] Volume level with dvb-s
- To: <>
- Subject: [vdr] Re: [linux-dvb] Volume level with dvb-s
- From: "Ulrich Petri" <>
- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 22:34:36 +0100
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Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> Petri) 04.03.02 23:04
> Once upon a time Ulrich Petri shaped the electrons to say...
> >I have my dvb-s connected to my tv with the "on card" stereo-out
> How is your TV connected to the DVB-Board, exactly?
> (Adapthers, switches etc.)
> Is it a stereo TV?
It is directly connected with a RCA("Chinch") Audio (stereo 2 RCA's) &
Video -to-SCART cable
> >Under Linux with siemens-0.9.4 (also 0.9.3) driver, the
> >sound level is very low (the noises are nearly louder than the
> >signal).
> IAW: You have a very bad Signal/Noise ratio?
> >(In my vdr setup.conf CurrentVolume is 255.)
> >I also use the same pc under Win with Multidec 8.0
> >and WinDVBLive.
> >With both progs the Volume level is "normal".
> Emm, is the signal now louder or is only the noise missing?
The Signal is very mouch louder and therefore the SNR is lower
> Do you have a stereo plug (stereo klinken stecker) ?
> What happens if you pull out the audio plug very slowly?
> If you have "Cinch"(RCA) what does happen when you use only
> one or the other?
Then i hear a mono version of the Noises :)
(If you are talking about 50Hz loop or sometinhg it is not)
> Do you use the right DAC parameter for the DVB driver?
> (Can't be the problem...)
Actually it seems to be the problem i will try the patch by Meinrad
Sauter( 2 Postst before) and see if it gets better.
> >TT DVB-s rev. 2.1
> >Siemens-0.9.4 driver
> >RedHat 7.1 with custom Kernel 2.4.17
Cu Ulrich
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