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[vdr] Re: PATCH-Request
> I惴 not sure how many of you do allready save some vdr Recordings to VHS-Tape ?
> I惴 still doing this .....
> I have 4 Card愀 and if i want to save a Recording to VCR i have to use the primary
> Interface - so i can愒 watch another channel and all displayed Messages
> are stored on the videotape.
> But at this Moment there are 3 Composit Outputs (of the other Card愀) wiche are unused.
> So i think it would be a nice idea to connect the VCR to one of this Outputs and
> playback the recorded Movie on a other card (not the Primary).
> some Time ago i have asked Klaus about this feature but i think he have not enough
> time....
> So i want to ask if there is a Patch out there with wich i can do this ?
This should be easy.
If you split VDR in two instances (one uses 3 cards and one uses 1
card). Then you can use the single card instance for playback without
without intereferencing with the 3-card instance.
But this is only from the manual. I never actually tried that, because
my VDR-Version is much to old for that. (VDR 0.68)
I just type "play <movie>" on my "control" computer
(-> "ssh dvb killall vdr; scp <movie> dvb:/dev/video0". But this
doesn't work anymore with current versions of the driver. But AFAIK you
can stream the data-stream through ntuxplay to get a similar behaviour.)
Bis denn
Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated,
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.
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