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[vdr] Re: bad Picture over FBAS

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marcus Kuba" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 4:22 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: bad Picture over FBAS

> Am 05.05.2002 15:07:22, schrieb Thorsten Wöll
> >Have cables checked already, (testet 3 different pairs that work
good with
> >other appliances  like dvd- and vhs-vcr...) on two tv-sets(not
connected the
> >"normal" antenna input) DVB Card came brand new yesterday, any
other hints?
> Well.. maybe the tv-out is simply broken?
> Greetings,  Marcus
Uh, Oh, on a factory new card?
How will this happen?
(read here about cards getting bad after a short time, but this fast?)

regards thorsten

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