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[vdr] Re: OT: Flat Antenna useable?

Ulrich Petri schrieb:
> Christian Berger wrote:
> > Well DVB-T will probably transmitt in the VHF area, so dishes will be
> > huge. You probably will need a dish with a diameter of 10 meters or
> > more.  However transmitting power will be gigantic. So if you
> > are close
> > enought to a transmitter, your body will heat up
> > troumendously and your
> > blood will start to cock. After all it's not really a smart
> > technology,
> > but a logical version of DVB.
> >
> > Servus
> >   Casandro
> perhaps you should have included one or more ;)'s
> otherwise you might scare people so they run to the government and
> request prohibition of DVB-T (as they actually do with UMTS)
> ;-)
> Ciao Ulrich

Well UMTS also is braindead, it'll be far to expensive to be of any
practical use, and it's got the same problems, if you are to close to
the base-station you'll be fried. What we really need are peer-to-peer
systems or satellite systems.


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