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[vdr] Re: Primary card for playback only

Am Don, 2002-06-13 um 14.19 schrieb Sergei Haller:
> On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Thomas Mungai (TM) wrote:
> TM> Now i want to upgrade with a third card, a low budged.
> TM> What i want is to record two movies at the same time
> TM> and watch a recorded one.
> TM> I've got only two LNB-cables with no chance for
> TM> a third one.
> TM> when i connect the LNB to the second and third card, i get
> TM> those "channel xy not synched and DVB-card 1"  messages
> TM> and the whole system is slowing down, reacts slow
> TM> on remote commands etc.
> TM> Is there a chance to prevent the first card from tuning?
> TM> limiting the channels to a specific card is no solution.
> TM> Sorry if this should have been discussed earlier, couldn't find
> TM> anything about that...
> It has been, but IIRC  only for a two-card  system with only one
> LNB. Here is (in short) what you have to do:
> create a new mode in ca.conf, say
>    MySpecialFTA 777
> then  set  both  non-primary   cards  to  be  able  to   receive
> MySpecialFTA and set every FTA (0) channel to MySpecialFTA (777)
> in channels.conf
> With this setup you should  be able to watch live tv  (always in
> transfer mode from  the second or the  third card and while both
> non-primary cards are  recording,  you should still  be able  to
> watch a recording or  one of the  channels currently recorded in
> time shift mode.
> (Although I didn't try this configuration myself)

Doesn't 'Primary limit = 99' work?


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