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[vdr] Re: VDR-Crash when cutting while recording

On Thu, 4 Jul 2002 17:09:19 +0200, Andreas Schultz
<> wrote:

> wouldn't it be better to just run the cutting thread on the lowest possible 
> priority? That should give you full speed while the system is idle, but leave 
> enough resources to other tasks when needed. Sure, this could lead to the 
> cutting thread beeing starved and therefore even slower than 1MB/s cutting 
> under high load, but i guess that would be acceptable, or?
> Also, the recording thread should run with elevated priorities, guaranteeing 
> it has always enough resources.

There is not only a CPU problem, there is als a problem with the
I/O/Filesystem bandwidth. Reading and writing in the cutting thread
pushes out a lot of valuable information from the buffers which may have
to be reread to do writing in the recording thread. This all cannot be
fixed by setting cpu priorities.


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