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[vdr] Re: Speed up the opening of Recordingsmenu ?

> I have only 500 GB (7x80 GB). ;-)
I think this is usualy enough :-)
>>  13-20 Sec with no Recordings or Replay at the network
>>  >25 sec if there are recordings or replays in the VDR
>>    Network
>> (4 Users)

> Here it takes abaout 2-5 s.

Here too (with 600GB) but since i have updatet the Server
up to 1 TB i have this problems (the 1 TB is not fully used (ca. 800GB)

> As far as I can remember you had already a solution by reading the list
>>from a file and updating this file regularly.
Yes - but with this solution i have deleted all my recordings. -(
I think my "hack" was too dirty and not perfect- but the idea
behind this Hack was realy simple:

A Cronjob Fetch the Recordings every 5 Minutes with FIND command and
save them to a file. All VDR´s can access to this file and only have
to open it (1-2 sec)

2 problems: (without the Delete Problem)

- The Find all 5 Mintes takes much HD Performance - so if i run a 3 or more
recordings i got buffer-problems.

- the "5 Minutes Problem" (updated list only all 5 Minutes

So i think for the future a database within the VDR would be usefull
in wich all Recordings are stored.

> As you know I have replaced the FIND command by ls which doesn't follow
> the symbolic links for the files and I am very happy with it. Only when
> 3 recordings are running concurrently I get a delay of about 5 s.

I have replaced the Find command with LS some time ago - but 
it still takes very long to open the R-Menue.



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