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[vdr] Re: Speed up the opening of Recordingsmenu ?

>        -maxdepth levels
>               Descend at most  levels  (a  non-negative  integer)
>               levels  of directories below the command line argu­
>               ments.  `-maxdepth 0' means only  apply  the  tests
>               and actions to the command line arguments.

>        -mindepth levels
>               Do  not  apply  any tests or actions at levels less
>               than levels (a non-negative  integer).   `-mindepth
>               1'  means process all files except the command line
>               arguments.

> This might speed up the command as it has not to search though all
> directories.

Are you sure ?

I donīt think so - because with this options (if i understand it right) you can
set how "deep" into the directory structure FIND sould search.

But thatīs not the Problem - the Problem is that the are 001.vdr, 002.vdr 00x.vdr in
the /video0 direcory but (for example) 002 and 003 are links to /video2 /video4 usw...

Iīm wrong ?

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