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[vdr] Re: Speed up the opening of Recordingsmenu ?

> I donīt think so - because with this options (if i understand it right) you can
> set how "deep" into the directory structure FIND sould search.
> But thatīs not the Problem - the Problem is that the are 001.vdr, 002.vdr 00x.vdr in
> the /video0 direcory but (for example) 002 and 003 are links to /video2 /video4 usw...

No, the find command
#define FINDCMD      "find %s -follow -type d -name '%s' 2> /dev/null"

does not look for files but for directories (-type d).
If you have this:


the find command just has to go into the dir /video/film1/ to find the
relevant directory.
Its is not nessesary to go into /video/film1/2002-06-14.18:10.50.50.rec/

From the things I saw on a quick look it should be possible to use
-maxdepth x (depending on your directory stucture)

Be carefull if you use subdirectories for series or so, this might break


Thilo Wunderlich  -  -

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