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[vdr] Re: Satmania and export to VDR channels.conf

Olivier Kojack writes: 

> Sometimes ago, someone from 
> ( proposed on this list to create 
> a script to export the "content" of satmania to a VDR channels.conf. Any 
> news of this project? 

It was me ! ;)
The problem is that my boss do not give high priority to this project. 
Moreover I have no idea how to make it really useful to all the people. I 
still welcome any sugestions about grouping etc etc. We cannot allow you to 
export complete database in any format, you understand. Thus the only 
possibility is to make it using favorite channels list. This denies using 
this feature for grouping. What remains ? Grouping by packages or genres ? 
We cannot make any changes in our database structure to enable other kinds 
of grouping ...
Perhaps more useful feature would be automated programming ? E.g. you setup 
search some hooks (search strings) for new events in our database and you 
receive a reminder letter along with additions to your timers list.
And last, but not the least - we are not only , there are other interesting things at 

         Oleg Assovski
 ---------------------------------------- - Choose your satellite 

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