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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: vdr / change MaxVideoFileSize > 2000MB

Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:
>>if i have a movie with 2GB and 1 GB ("normal split") and i want to produce a dvd with my windows system (SpruceUp) i fix the 2 files with pvastumento, put them together and cut with tmpeg (or womble), demux it and try to open that in spruceup i get a error with gop structure (on the former border between the 2 files)

> I can't imagine where that would come from.
> When VDR switches from one file to the next, it simply writes the last byte
> of the first file, closes it, and then writes the next byte to the next file.
> So if you 'cat' the files together, it should be no different than writing
> one large file.
The problem is pvastrumento and the muxed video-stream. pvastrumento 
thinks the video-stream ends at the file end and keeps the audio & video 
in sync. but a mpeg pes stream has offsets (time delay audio <--> video) 
so audio and video do *NOT* end within the same frame. And therefore is 
cut off by some milliseconds.....

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