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[vdr] Re: prob recording 2 movies with the same name and same start time

Carsten Koch wrote:
> Rainer Janson wrote:
> >
> > Hi Lutz,
> >
> > > think about the directory name vdr is not interested in the
> > > channel it records. you should better provide different recording times
> > > or different lifetimes to ensure that two different directories are
> > > created (and then two different recordings).
> >
> > o.k., I got it. But the timers were set by epg2timers, so I have to change the
> > start time after downloading the "Merkliste" from or is there's a
> > better solution (within epg2timers, Carsten?) out in space? :)
> Of course it's a VDR bug.
> Klaus and I have discussed it a few months ago.
> I would prefer to see it fixed in VDR rather than working
> around it in epg2timers, master timer, vdradmin and all
> other sources of timer entries.
> Let's wait and see what Klaus says when he returns from
> his vacation. If Klaus will not fix it in VDR any time soon,
> I'll implement a workaround in epg2timers.

I suggest you implement that workaround, because I don't see how
this could be easily changed in VDR. Since the channel name or number
is not part of the recording's directory name, there's no way to
distinguish two recordings with exactly the same title, start time, priority
and lifetime. So in such a case you could either use different start times,
or add, e.g., the channel name to the title.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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