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[vdr] Re: Scipts to convert to divx ;-)

On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 02:03:54PM +0200, Andreas Lange wrote:
> one thing I forgot, but which is really important:
> the resolution of the video should always be a multiple of 16, otherwise
> problems with the encoder, decoder or the video output of the
> player are possible. Even if  you don't encounter any problems, I think
> it's better to be on the safe side in case you want to play back your 
> file on
> some other player or give it someone else.
> It's very likely you won't get the proper size when you just crop the black
> borders, so you could check in the script if the resolution can be divided
> by 16 and crop a little bit more if it doesn't match.
> Or you could calculate the aspect ratio of the cropped video and then
> scale to a "good" horizontal resolution like 640 and calculate the
> vertical resolution from that and the aspect ratio and then simply round
> it to the next multiple of 16. The difference in the aspect ratio
> shouldn't be noticeable...

Hello again ;-)

Great, very good to know!!!
I'll do take care about that in my next encoding ;-)

A hudge thank,

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