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[vdr] Re: Master-Timer 0.5.10

On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 07:59:52PM +0200, Guido Fiala wrote:
> Thanks for implementing the all the new features!
> > - [un]
> >   Put VDR-Timers directly into the done-list (See LIESMICH)
> >   (Thanks to Guido Fiala for the suggestion)
> I tested it and it worked - but IMHO not as expected, at least as i thought 
> it should work ;-)
> It asks for each timer and put's it into done - so far so good, but it would 
> be great if it removes the timers marked as "done" also directly from vdr, at 
> least with an extra option.

Just run, or only

> The idea was, to have a kind of a growing blacklist, things i want not to be 
> recorded, not even once and the first time :-)

You mean something like the "Create Filter from Message" Feature of Mozilla?

> So i would have guessed, that run-mt could as well ask for each timer 
> _before_ transmitting it to vdr, that would be equal to above. Of course that 
> would be while "run-mt --interactive" only ;-)

This is a point for the future GUI.

> Is there a need for the difference between blacklist and done? I would think, 
> that the blacklist gives much better possibilites to get rid of crap.

Done is intended to prevent double recordings.

e.g. when you want to record a whole series, done makes sure that you
have each episode only once.

> Also - it would be IMHO better to have only one place for disallowing a timer 
> and another place for allowing a timer (reason: if you want to reallow you 
> are sure if you edit only one file). 

The purpose of Deepblack is to prevent timers. The main purpose of done
is a bit different, preventing timers is a "side" effect.

Most of my current > 1700 Done-Entries are from recorded series/movies.
Only a small fraction of that >1700 Entries are from "missusing" the
feature as a deepblack Variant. (I don't deny that i "missuse" the
feature myself. It's much easier to done something than blacklisting it,
so often i just put something in the done-file to get rid of the

> There are different concepts in use for other programs compare ipchains/squid 
> etc. accept/deny rules.
> Sometimes deny has prio, sometimes accept ?! What is the better way?

There are more questions like this. :-)

Is processing a whole list (last match) or first match better?

ipchains/iptables use first match. Squid is more last match.

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated, 
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.

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