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[vdr] Re: Bad recording quality

On 19 Jul 2002, Rene Bartsch wrote:

> Am Fre, 2002-07-19 um 11.41 schrieb Marko Myllymaa:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I got my vdr working somehow yesterday. I'm using only Nova-T card. So
> > there is no video out. (at the moment) And I use DEBUG_OSD and keyboard as
> > remote to control vdr over ssh.
> >
> > When I used dvbtune to tune the channels I notised that alls channels had
> > signal strength and SNR as zero. Dvbtune was version 0.3.
> >
> > After tuning the vdr worked, it found the epg data for channels. And when
> > I recorded something, it actually recorded it.
> > But the problem is that the video is not smooth. Well it's smooth for
> > about 1 sec then it pauses for a moment and then continues again some time
> > normally. The picture is quite good, not too many compression artifacts.
> > Or signs of loss of signal.
> >
> > But could the signal be to weak or something?
> > Or do I have a bottleneck in my HD?
> > Or does vdr try to show the video somehow allthough there is no hardware?
> > (my cpu is only P166)
> >
> >
> The Nova is a low-budget card without ARM/firmware. Maybe your P166 is
> to slow for remuxing. Can you check that in a faster machine?

What do mean with remuxing? I think it needs only take the data stream and
put it to hd.

I used dxr3 (the mpeg decoder card) for viewing it. Not the software
decoder. I can view dvds nicely with dxr3, allthough I have problems with
subtitles.. But the video is fine..

I can try to watch the video in windows machine, which has more power..
But I think that it won't help..


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